The latest “fiscal cliff” highlighted just how tight today’s economy really is. It’s no surprise that people are trying to cut back spending where they can, to include ‘do it yourself’ private investigations.
Here’s why that can end up costing you money, instead of cutting expenses:
1) Professional private investigators know when to begin a corporate or private investigation. By the time DIYers think about investigating, it’s almost too late. If a private investigation is begun at the time the case is opened, there is a vast amount of information that can be gathered. A DIYer may tip off the subject of the investigation without meaning to, and data under that subject’s control may disappear from view with a changing of privacy settings. Conversely, if a DIYer begins their private investigation before filing a case, they may learn the hard way about harassment and stalking laws. This is especially true in the realm of surveillance investigations; once the subject of the surveillance is aware they are being watched, it is extremely difficult to obtain helpful data.
2) Professional private investigators have access to information that the DIYers don’t. Using the precept of “work smarter, not harder,” skilled private investigators can often pull up basic information on their databases that would take the normal “Googler” an entire day to locate.
3) Professional private investigators know their way around an investigation. Although TV and Movie dramas involving crimes, private detectives and intrigue are extremely popular, they don’t explain the steps or the process involved in a private investigation. It would be very easy to miss something in a DIY investigation, or damage your case without realizing it.
4) Professional private investigators have effective documentation and well written reports at hand. Why is this important? If you’re in court and are asked to provide proof of your investigation, are you prepared to provide a professional report? Will your documentation stand up in court and be entered into evidence? Professional private investigators routinely provide evidence in a courtroom setting, and are experienced at working together with attorneys.
5) Professional private investigators know the laws. Trespassing, invasion of privacy, harassment, stalking…all of these laws are routinely overlooked by people that try to conduct their own private investigation to save money. Instead, the infractions often cost them their case…and more. Convictions are rising for people abusing GPS tracking devices; privacy laws regarding emails and social media posts are being scrutinized. Professional private investigators know it is in their clients’ best interest to remain abreast of current laws, and to insure their work will stand up in court.
6) Professional private investigators are licensed and carry insurance. Insurance for private investigations? Absolutely!
Although engaging the services of a professional private investigator may seem like a luxury in the beginning, it will save you in time, money and worry.