In the afternoon of Friday, June 10, 2011, the Professional Private Investigators Association of Colorado received an email from Colorado Senator and bill sponsor Linda Newell. June 10th was the last day for Governor John Hickenlooper to make a decision on several bills. HB11-1195 was in the mix with those bills. The Governor could either sign the bill, veto it, or not sign it. If it was not signed, it would still become law. In the final tense hours of the business day, HB1195 was FINALLY signed into law!!!! PPIAC, and all Colorado investigators for that matter who have long desired to obtain a license can breathe a big sigh of relief.
The Professional Private Investigators Association of Colorado has been involved in over 30 years of efforts to restore licensing, only to face defeat after defeat. HB 11-1195 specifically has been at least a 1 1/2 year long effort. Decades of efforts, plannings, meetings, phone calls, sunrise studies, drafting of bills, fund raising, lobbying, contacting legislators, testifying, etc. have all culminated in today’s signing. I want to thank all Colorado PI licensing proponents for their support. Today’s historic achievement could not have happened without the strength in numbers of Colorado investigators, as well as the support of our fellow professional colleagues across the country! Private investigators interested in obtaining their Colorado licenses will now anxiously await for the licensing program to be implemented in 2012.